A family adventure!

Hallington Mill is our home, but it’s also our family adventure!

We moved to Hallington in early 2016 and began what we knew would be a long-term romance with this beautiful property and setting. With our young son Henry at our side, we spent a demanding 18-months renovating and rejuvenating the Mill. Our second son, Joshua, arrived 2 days before our first ever guests and since then the Mill has welcomed families & friends from all over the world.

We grew up with fond memories of family holidays in the UK, exploring farms, woodlands, lakes and mountains, having adventures and enjoying the simplest of pleasures. At Hallington Mill we wanted to create a special place where people can come to get away from it all, create new memories and reconnect with loved ones.

Beyond the Mill itself, we have invested a lot of time into the site’s 35 acres, planting nearly 8,500 trees and hedgerow plants and creating new wildlife habitats, all with the help of the local community and Northumberland’s 5th Fusiliers.

If you visit you may see us around as we live in the Miller’s Cottage next door, close enough to welcome you but rest assured that we value privacy, both yours and ours, so we won’t be getting in your way. That said, we love to meet new people so don’t hesitate to say hello!

The Mill itself is a genuinely historic building, dating back to the C16th and rebuilt in 1708. According to Henry VIII’s chaplain, John Leland, the land around Hallington has much older historical significance, being the vicinity of the substantive effort in King Oswald’s Battle of Havenfield, around 634. Rob’s always happy to talk history if anyone is interested!

It is a privilege to live at Hallington Mill and through holiday rentals, weddings, family celebrations, nature conservation, events and charitable works, we hope to share its charm with as many people as possible.

Hallington Mill is now part of our family adventure and we hope it becomes part of yours too.

Elizabeth, Robert, Henry & Joshua Wiggins